First symptoms
Cameron presented to myPodiatry Health with soreness in both heels/arches and the side of his left foot. He felt the most pain in the morning and at the end of his day following his shifts in construction. After waking up one morning and finding he could barely walk, he finally decided to do something about it.
Initial treatment
- Cameron felt significant pain during the first examination and was referred for an ultrasound of both arches/ heels and the side of his left smaller toe.
- As he was experiencing pain and inflammation in both heels, our clinician performed therapeutic ultrasound, which gave him immediate relief.
- Both of Cameron’s feet were then low-dye strapped to stabilize his foot posture and reduce strain on the tissue through heavy force.
- Cameron was then advised to return to myPodiatry Health once imaging had been received.
Medical Imaging/Surgical Opinion
- The Medical Imaging report confirmed Plantar Fasciitis of both feet, with more heavily pronounced inflammation on the left. It also showed a ganglion cyst beside Cameron’s left smaller toe.
- A podiatric surgical opinion regarding the cyst advised that the pain could be relieved without aspiration or surgical excision.
The Biomechanical Assessment
Cameron’s biomechanical assessment revealed the following:
- Flat feet and arch collapse
- Left leg functionally longer than the right due to hip muscle weakness, resulting in more pressure and forces through the foot and triggering the cyst.
myPodiatry Health Treatment
Orthotics were made for Cameron to:
- Stabilize foot posture and reduce pressure on to the heels
- Accommodate the base of the left smaller toe to reduce pressure on the cyst
- Improve overall alignment, including the difference in leg lengths.
Cameron was also given a list of stretches and exercises to do to improve his core hip strength. A recommendation on suitable footwear was also given.
The Outcome
After receiving his orthotics, Cameron has reported no further pain, no tickle in his knees or back, and a vastly improved gait.